Native American Flute

Native American flute
Traditionally Native American flutes were made from cedar. The cedar was very easy to split along the grain so it was ideal for the natives to make a nice long even split. They could then carve it out easily and glue it back together with pitch and the seam would be virtually invisible. These days with precision in mind and to acheive consistent tuning results, it is best to route the individual halves of the flute. The Native American flute is a double chamber flute so the routing must stop about six inches from the end of the flute, one inch is left solid and then the routing begins angain till about an inch from the end or mouthpiece.  Once it is routed the top face is chosen and two hole are drilled and then made into squares 1/4" x 1/4" and 1/2" apart. the guiding edge of the hole closest to the mouthpiece is beveled at a 45 degree angle into the flute, the edge leading out is beveled out at the same angle. The totem will sit over this hole. The far edge of the hole that splits the air is beveled at a 45 degree angle 


Tuning. Six holes are drilled into the flute it is best to start with a very small hole and enlarge it until the tone is perfect. A chromatic tuner is used to check the tuning.

Since the Native American flute has two separate chambers, the first chamber becomes filled with air when the mouthpiece is blown into. The air is then guided up under the totem animal. The totem animal has a very narrow slot (1/16 inch) cut into it which compresses the air into a thin stream and hits the edge of the second hole, splitting the air and creating the tone. The notes are played by opening and closing various combinations of finger holes.

The totem animal is moveable and will affect the tone of the flute. Before playing, make sure that the totem animal is flush with the front edge (sound chamber edge) of the divider. You may make a minor adjustment in pitch by moving the totem animal slightly forward (sharpening pitch) or backward (flattening pitch). Tighten the totem animal securely and enjoy.


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